Welcome to my blog, where you will find updates on life and my latest shoots


Life and stuff like that…

Hello world…
Right now I’m sitting at the orthodontist office after my invisalign checkup..so I thought I wld take the opportunity to post a few lines..
So lately I’ve been very occupied with CS3..and when I say occupied..well I mean stressed:)..but thanks to some dear photographers/designers a lot of my questions have been answered 🙂 I have been watching Julian Kost tutorials,which have helped me a great deal! This week I have been learning a great deal about smart objects, masking, creating actions..:) so ya, its been getting much much better..
As far as photography goes, I’m looking forward to my friends wedding in April!! She is a photographer herself and so it will be so fun exchanging ideas!! Another great idea she had is doing bridal party and bride and groom shots the day before the wedding!! This is a very good plan, because that way on the day of the actual wedding, the bride can focus more on the day and not worrying about pictures in the morning..not to mention how convenient it is for me as her photographer!!
  So lately as far as real life :)..I have been keeping busy with Church, friends, finishing school, piano, culinary arts (don’t ask)…and basically just the norm..
   Ive been learning a lot about prayer and pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s so encouraging to know that Jesus cares about me. You know? It says in God’s word that Jesus doesn’t call us servants but He calls us friends..and also that He is a friend that is closer than a brother..isn’t that so amazing? He knows all my innermost thoughts and passions. He knows (and understands) all the struggles I face.
   Spiritual warfare is very real in this present day whether we want to realize it or not. Sure, in present day America we might not see demons being cast out and things like that, but it doesn’t mean there not there. Satan will work in any way that he can, and he knows exactly how to weasel his way into our lives. So in America, he knows that being a deceiver, coming in so many different forms, will be very effective. But the verse has had been keeping me is Romans 8:38-39. Nothing, even the strongest powers in hell, cannot separate me from the love of God. Even though Satan is very powerful, God is all the more powerful! Praise God.
   In the past, and even now, its been hard for me to accept forgiveness through the blood of Christ. Even without realizing it. I might think its humble to make myself do penance for something that happened yesterday even though I asked Jesus’ forgiveness. When in reality its just the opposite. It’s like spitting on Jesus and telling Him His love, His blood is not good enough to wash me. I am believing the lies of Satan that are telling me that somehow I’m not good enough to be forgiven. No I’m not, but the longer I spend in the false belief that I’m not forgiven, the more ground Satan is gaining. Jesus came for the sinners. Not for the people that would just sin every few weeks. But the people that are fallen. The people who come short of the Glory of God. People like me.
  But, let us not sin that grace may abound. This is not an excuse to go sin and fall into temptation because God will forgive us every time. No. I must take responsibility for my actions, by the grace of God. And I must humble myself and realize that Jesus wants to forgive me if I come to Him with a repentant heart. I might not be making sense, but this is kind of what I’ve been feeling lately.
   Another aspect that God is really impressing on my heart is the power of prayer. Standing in the gap for someone. Being sensitive to the burdens that the Holy Spirit wants to put on me. Being honest in prayer. Having FAITH. I was just so encouraged by the youth service we had on Sunday by Dale Shmucker on prayer. It really encouraged me to believe for salvation for some people I’ve been praying for that are very dear to my heart. God is looking for people who will BELIEVE! For people who want to know His heart for His people. Oh my prayer is that God would use me in spite of me! That He would give me a vision for this generation and give me the grace and power to pray through!
  I’m reminded again and again of how utterly human I am. Everything about me needs to be changed..sometimes looking at myself and how many flaws I have is almost so overwhelming. But its then I’m reminded to keep my eyes on the beauty of Jesus Christ and trust Him to work in my life :). And once again I’m encouraged.
   God is so good. His perfect love is so much better than anything I could ever imagine. Even at our best (in ourselves) we are wickedness compared to Him. It’s like that verse in the Bible about that even in His weakness (if He had any) compared to us He is so so much more holy. Praise God that His love runs so much deeper than my own.
  Anyway I’m still here at the dentist waiting on my sister and her husband.:) but I’m glad I got a chance to blog. It’s been good to reflect and kind of look back on what has actually been running through my head. These next weeks I am just looking forward to getting to know my Savior better!
God bless!

I <3 Faces~Innocent Wonder

A picture of my nephew, Kaiden Scott. This picture speaks innocence to me. Why? I’m not quite sure..but I think it’s simply because of the sparkle in his eyes..and maybe I’m just biased..:) And the wonder part?..well I think he is excited about discovering his tongue!

Head on over to I heart faces for more “Innocent Wonder” pictures!

Sweet baby..

My sweet sweet nephew is now 6 mo. old 😦 sadly. He is getting so big! The next step is crawling! Please, no! Anyway, I was in Lancaster this past week and had a chance to take some pictures of this little sweetie!

p.s. playing with textures!! 🙂


                                                                                                                                   ~The Sneeze~

Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures, and hope you have a great week!!!


Influences, inspirations, and mentors..

I was just thinking today that I need to get into this bloggin thing more!! 🙂 I really enjoy it as a part of my photography..and I also am thinking about maybe adding a few tutorials on PSE7…but that’s maybe, and right now, it’s pretty much only by request. I feel like maybe I should be a lil more established and branch out my business more before I feel like i’ve earned the right to post tutorials :p. Anyway, today I just wanted to post a little bit about who my inspirations are and why.

My first and foremost inspiration would definitely be my parents. They have supported me in every way possible, and got me my first point and shoot camera :). Which is where everything began..I think that was back when I was 11 or 12…They have always encouraged me and believed in me when I haven’t believed in myself. I love them very much!

As far as photographers go, my first and most influential inspiration was definitely Alyssa Ann, and you can find her personal blog here, and her business blog, here. She is the mother of 7 beautiful children and has always encouraged me to be myself in everthing I do. She has always challenged me to not go with the flow of other photographers and other styles, but to develop my own style and way of capturing memories. She has also inspired me to capture the true heart of an image, and to record the little moments.

Another influence is Jasmine Star with Jasmine Star photography. You can find her here. I love her work and the cleanness of her photographs. Her blog is hilarious and a reflection of who she is and what she believes in. Her blog and photography have inspired me to express myself through my work and blog, and to be creative with my photographs. She has challenged me to be who I am and overcome some of my fears that go along with photography :).

Another inspiration is Char with Authentic You Photography. I love the story her images tell and how dedicated she is to her work. She was kind enough to answer a few questions I had about lenses 🙂 A true sweetheart. I love her creativity and it has challenged me to think out side the box and come up with new poses and ideas.

Marty (Beiler) Miller has been such a huge encouragement to me with photography!! She is an amazing photographer herself and she is always inspiring me to head towards my goals. Whenever I’m stressed about an upcoming wedding she’s always been there to reassure me 🙂 I love her so much and she’s been one of my best friends for the past few years!

Regina Peachy is one of my friends who has encouraged me with photography, and has helped me get started. I called her a lot in the beginning with questions 🙂 She was always willing to help, and still is. She also is kind enough to refer me to some of her clients when she is busy. She also let me borrow equipment for a wedding i was shooting in MT, and was so nice about it!! She is truly a sweet woman 🙂

Rita Troyer with Rita Troyer Photography has been one of my dear friends, as we kind of got started with photography at the same time. We often called eachother in the beginning and were totally spazzing out over our newest PSE challenge and computer issues :p. She has been there to encourage me and she is an awesome shooting buddy! Her work is amazing and she has done a wonderful job establishing her business 🙂

So anyway..that about sums it up. 🙂 Have a great week and God bless!


I <3 Faces

This is a picture of my niece, Brittany. Here she was giggling at my sister, the only one who can make her smile like that 🙂 Love her to death!

For more great SMILE photos, head on over to I Heart Faces!

Of hAtS aNd sNOwFLaKeS. oF cHrIsTmAS.

Well. It’s that time of year again. Hustling and bustling at the mall, candles, soft christmas music, gift exchanges, trips to relatives. But most importantly, the birth of Christ our Saviour. WOW! God is so good to us. I have been amazed over and over at His love and grace. Lately He has just been teaching me how utterly…human I am. And sometimes it hurts to see myself. Like. WOW. How can He love something like THAT? And then I am reminded again of how it’s not because of who I am or how determined I might be to get it right.

“For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.”               Romans 9:15-17

So in other words, I in myself have nothing to offer God. Nothing. But, God CHOSE to love me, and He CHOSE to have mercy and compassion on me, so that His name might be glorified through me.

Another thing He has been challenging me with is selfish motives and desires. Like my mindset it “What’s in it for me?” And I have just been seeking the Lord to change that in me, and that my only motive and desire behind everything that I do and think would be that Jesus would be GLORIFIED! So often I fail in that area. But I must remember how much Jesus loves me, and that He is going to finish the work that He started in me. Praise God!

So anyway. Just a little update on my life. I just love the Lord and His body. And I love the way the Lord works. He is so amazing and always exceeds my greatest expectations. He.is.awesome.

The past few weeks have been super busy, with trips to Lancaster and shopping and being with friends and family. Seems like December snuck away while I wasn’t looking!! This year has gone sooo fast!! The Lord is so good, and as I look back over the year I see so many blessings with how He has brought Kaiden into our lives, and just with the way He has been working in our family.

Tomorrow evening we have our “Cousins” gift exchange. So blessed with those ladies! Don’t know what I would do without them, they are like sisters to me! We are sending our parents to my sisters place for the night so we can party :).

I feel very free lately, my editing is all finished up and I feel like I can pretty much relax till the new year. Photography has slowed down quite a bit..although I hope it doesn’t stay slow for long! 🙂

So anyway. Now that I have blabbed away I will finish with some pictures of 2 children that I did a couple weeks ago. They were so sweet, and ya gotta love them eyes!



Took some shots of the sweet little girl that I babsyit, along with her brother..they are so cute, and so good to take care of!

au revoir



Had the privilege of doing this beautiful family’s pictures this monday! The kids did so great! All of them smiled and cooperated and were all very naturally photogenic..the baby was such a dear! She smiled and giggled for me and we got some great shots!

For more pictures, go to my facebook fan page, PW Photography

au revoir



Had the opportunity to do this awesome couples’ wedding pictures! Had a fun day and the bridal party was a great group of people to work with 🙂 Here are a few of my favorites!

au revoir


Beth~Kevin |sneakpeek|

Thanks to this dear couple for asking me to be side photographer at their gorgeous wedding!! I had an awesome time and couldn’t wait to post some of these shots! Will be adding more later!

au revoir
